Page name: council member humping [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-08-11 09:12:09
Last author: Zab
Owner: Linderel
# of watchers: 9
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Welcome to


Where we show our love and devotion to all of our loverly officials! *humps*

...and for all of the unofficial chatter that isn't wanted in the council comment box


Those that should be pounced upon and humped on sight:

[a clockwork orange], [ally], [All_Most PUNK], [Blaithin], [Jay Ladlehaus], [Calico Tiger], [Charybdis], [stuffAEAmade], [dew_farie], [djxmonster], [Elegy - gone], [Rennie], [Caelicorn], [hanhepi], [Hedda], [IChester], [iippo], [irulan], [Isilando], [I stabbith ye], [Ittai], [Janouk], [Kaimee], [Levoton], [Kileaiya], [Kyrinn], [LadyMoon], [Leara], [Lerune], [Linderel], [Malnu], [Maketsu], [May-lea], [Moonknight], [Nightshadow], [Nita], [Nite_Owl], [Ocean Soul], [Patri], [Paz], [peura], [pixish], [Rook], [Saffron], [Savien], [sequeena_rae], [shotokan_gal], [Shreya], [Teufelsweib], [spiritee], [Sunny Silverunicorn], [Sunrose], [True, plain and simple], [Tyrana], [Viking], [Yncke], [Yuriona], and [Zab] the Retired Unhumpable.


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2006-08-04 [sequeena_rae]: Indeed, I imagine that is a bummer :(

2006-08-04 [dragonflye]: Oh it is. it is.

2006-08-04 [sequeena_rae]: ...Wait. *puts two and two together* :O!!!!

2006-08-04 [dragonflye]: um yeah...I'm having a baby girl in october...

2006-08-04 [sequeena_rae]: :O Congrats :D

2006-08-04 [dragonflye]: Thanks. We're naming her Arielle. My mother-in-law hates the name. But me and my mother-in-law don't like each other so....

2006-08-04 [sequeena_rae]: So it doesn't matter what she thinks :P

2006-08-04 [dragonflye]: exactly. hehe. The part that sucks about us not liking each other is we're having to live together right now until my house is finished. We're shooting for the end of next week.

2006-08-04 [sequeena_rae]: Oh no :( I'm sure you'll get through it :P

2006-08-04 [Nite_Owl]: oooooooo babybaby! Me step-sister just had her baby a few days ago. So now I'm an auntie of 4 hehe he other 2 kids are adopted, and then there's the oldest who's my step-brother's daughter. They named her Kira Riley, I think it's a good name :D she has too much hair. I had pretty much no hair until I was about 5 lol

2006-08-04 [sequeena_rae]: Awww cuuuuute!!!

2006-08-04 [Nite_Owl]: XD She had little pink bows in her hair when we went to the hospital to see them, so cuteness hehehe Poor Heather was so out of it and tired, I gave her lotsa huggles

2006-08-04 [sequeena_rae]: I can imagine xD My sister was the same and she has had 7 kids

2006-08-05 [Nite_Owl]: (O,o) whoa....I don't even know if I really want kids yet. Maybe, but not for quite a long while heh If I do I only want 2--that or none. I'm not having an only child. That'd be so....evil lol I wouldn't be able to handle being an only child, so lonely, so I wouldn't want that for little Mini Owlie haha

2006-08-05 [sequeena_rae]: Lmao, oh noez, a mini owlie! xD

2006-08-05 [dragonflye]: If we have more than one we'll have to add onto our house. It's only a 2 bedroom-ours and hers.

2006-08-06 [Rook]: *streaks*

2006-08-06 [pixish]: :o

2006-08-06 [pixish]: omg ur in trubble dats not artistic nudey

2006-08-06 [Skydancer]: well, that would depend, it could be nude motion studies... :)

2006-08-06 [pixish]: omg you lie it iz pron :p

2006-08-06 [Skydancer]: chuckle....

2006-08-06 [sequeena_rae]: *takes photograph* There, I now declare it artistic nudity xD

2006-08-06 [pixish]: make it black and white too :o

2006-08-06 [sequeena_rae]: *uses magic wand to make it black and white* >:D

2006-08-06 [pixish]: omg *favourites on deviantart*

2006-08-06 [sequeena_rae]: *bows* Thank you my loyal minions fans :D

2006-08-06 [pixish]: ^_^

2006-08-06 [sequeena_rae]: And now for my next trick: The spinning cat!

2006-08-06 [Rook]: Weeee! I have become artistic nudity XD

2006-08-06 [sequeena_rae]: XD

2006-08-06 [Charybdis]: Erm o_O Why is it that whenever I stop in here to check the comments I am always completely and utterly lost? xD

2006-08-06 [sequeena_rae]: ...
Cause you have been hit with a confusion spell! :O

2006-08-06 [Charybdis]: A Confundus Charm, you mean? :P *shameless HP reference*

2006-08-06 [sequeena_rae]: Indeed :P

2006-08-06 [Nite_Owl]: Gah! Dondé esta el gato? DONDE?? eeeeeeeeee ay ay ay, mi cabeza! (>,<) Voy a comerse él! *munch*

2006-08-06 [Charybdis]: Está en su casa, con una cuchara :o

2006-08-06 [sequeena_rae]: That is not funny xD I wants to know what's being saaaaaiiiid!!!

2006-08-06 [Nite_Owl]: (O,o) Noooo! No con mi cuchara!! Por que yo? *dies of shock*

2006-08-06 [sequeena_rae]: *sob*

2006-08-06 [Nite_Owl]: aaaawwww que triste *te abrazo* XD lol Fine, basically what I said was "Where is the cat? WHERE? Oh, my head! I shall eat him!" then Charybdis said "It's in your house with a knife" and I said "Not with the knife! Why me?" and then just now I said "How sad" and gave you a Spanish speaking hugglie! You should keep it, it might come in handy XP

2006-08-06 [sequeena_rae]: Wtf? XD

2006-08-06 [sequeena_rae]: Triste in welsh also means sad o.o W00t.

2006-08-06 [Charybdis]: Cuchara is spoon, knife is cuchillo :P

2006-08-06 [sequeena_rae]: Actually, it's trist. Hmm, stoopid masculine feminine. Wait, I was right in the first place xD

2006-08-06 [Charybdis]: @_@

2006-08-06 [sequeena_rae]: Ehehehe xD

2006-08-06 [Nite_Owl]: ah yes spoon, oopsies ^^' well I've only had 1 terrible year of Spanish 1 with an equally terrible teacher, so don't blame me -_-' bleh....

2006-08-06 [Rook]: mi gato es rojo en los pantalones!!! *nods*

2006-08-06 [sequeena_rae]: What is it with the Spanish today?! XD

2006-08-06 [Rook]: *shrugs*

2006-08-07 [Charybdis]: Don't worry, I only had one year of Spanish myself, and that was over four years ago :P I guess it's a mark of how great my teacher was that I remember anything at all xD

2006-08-07 [Nite_Owl]: Esté hombre tiene un gato en sus pantalones! (O,o) *gasps* lol

2006-08-07 [Rook]: Si!! Now get her out!! >__> <__< >__> *pulls cat out* That is mightilly uncomfortable...

2006-08-07 [Nite_Owl]: lol (^,^) poor kitty...I wonder what he was doing down there?? hmm....

2006-08-07 [dragonflye]: I had two years of spanish. The first year me and two of my friends sat at the back making stuff up, half the time the teacher was there with us laughing at us. The second year I sat beside my boyfriend-at-the-time the whole year. So I didn't pay attention that year either.

2006-08-07 [Blaithin]: I took French for four years and I still can't speak it. I've signed up for more classes in it though so hopefully that'll change.

2006-08-07 [Viking]: Now this is just...odd.

2006-08-08 [Charybdis]: With any language, it really helps if you have to speak it in everyday life. You learn it pretty darn quickly then. :P Maybe you should move to France for a couple of years ;)

And wth? Porque esta su gato en sus pantalones? O_______o; Pobre gato!

2006-08-08 [Nite_Owl]: I live in southern California, about 3 hours or so from the border, so spanish is pretty much required to live around here. I don't understand these people that take german and french instead, seeing as how I doubt it'll help them much unless they plan on living somewhere that actually speeks it, which is rather unlikely -_-' meh *shrug* oh well....

2006-08-08 [Charybdis]: You never know, they could move overseas or to a French-Canadian community :)

2006-08-08 [Rook]: Si, muy pobre gato.....Dunno wh he was there ><; I guess he got my pants....>__>

2006-08-08 [Charybdis]: Es un hombre? O___o

2006-08-08 [Rook]: eh? no habla espanol. Well, a bit. I can say I have a red cat in my pants XD NO BUENO POR CACA!!!

2006-08-08 [Charybdis]: 2006-08-07 [Nite_Owl]: <That man has a cat in his pants>! (O,o) *gasps* lol

01:52:48 [Charybdis]: <Why is his cat in his pants?> O_______o; <Poor cat!>

03:46:12 [Rook]: <Yes, very poor cat>.....Dunno wh he was there ><; I guess he got my pants....>__>

15:43:05 [Charybdis]: <You're a man?> O___o

Did you switch genders without telling anyone? O_o

2006-08-08 [sequeena_rae]: Omg t3h chary is abusing t3h comment box! xD

2006-08-08 [Rook]: Yes. I...switch genders...... >__>

2006-08-08 [sequeena_rae]: :O What an amazing talent.

2006-08-08 [Rook]: ^______________________________________^

2006-08-08 [sequeena_rae]: *wants* Then I could see what really goes on in the boys bathrooms xD

2006-08-08 [Rook]: When I was little I tried so effing hard to go into the boy's bathroom. It's like a new world in there! But I always got caught....darn...

2006-08-08 [sequeena_rae]: Awww damnit! xD I remember my playschool had like octopus drawings on the walls o.o scared the life out of me as a 3 year old that did xD

2006-08-08 [Rook]: *giggles* Being dramatised as a child. when I was in day-care I hated to take naptime so I would cry and cry and cry. it was horrible. Finally the director gave me her calendar pictures of cats and that calmed me down for some odd reason :S

2006-08-08 [sequeena_rae]: Erm, okay o.O xD

2006-08-08 [Rook]: *shrugs* That seemed like the right thing to say. Sharing war stories and all XD

2006-08-08 [sequeena_rae]: *giggles* xD Anymore to share? :P

2006-08-08 [Rook]: Nope, that was a one time deal *closes up like a clam* :9

2006-08-08 [sequeena_rae]: Awww :( XD

2006-08-09 [Haflo]: *humps random council member*
And pounces Zab (for she is Unhumpable).
[Awesome wiki, guys.]

2006-08-09 [sequeena_rae]: Eeeeeeep! :D Thanks for sharing the love :P

2006-08-09 [Paz]: Wait... none of you have ever been in the boy's bathroom before? O___o

2006-08-09 [Zab]: (whee! I'm pounced!) of course we have.

2006-08-09 [Paz]: Good :P I was starting to worry...
*ish pounced as well*

2006-08-09 [Zab]: heheehhe.. actually.. my entire class was in the boys bathroom..there wasn't place enough in the girls so we got our lockers there.

2006-08-10 [Blaithin]: We had to go there when there were tornados. To the guys showers actually, but you had to go through the bathroom and changeroom to get there hehe

2006-08-10 [Teufelsweib]: wheee!! ^___^ thanks, [Haflo] :) // I only been in the boy's bathroom because I forgot to check the signs which one it was :P

2006-08-10 [Rook]: Same here >___<

2006-08-10 [Teufelsweib]: we're stupid! :D :P

2006-08-10 [Zab]: Yes you are! :O uhm..I mean..

2006-08-10 [Teufelsweib]: :O I AM STUPID!!!!

2006-08-10 [Zab]: want a badge for that?

2006-08-10 [Teufelsweib]: :D YEAAAHHH!!! :D:D:D

2006-08-10 [Zab]: oooookaaay...*calls to badge factory* It'll be her in 1-10 minutes.

2006-08-10 [Teufelsweib]: :O XD are you seriously going to make a badge? :O that's awesome XD thanks :3 *humps*

2006-08-10 [Zab]: *lmao* I always do that if I offer it..XD

2006-08-10 [Teufelsweib]: it's an honour, having a [Zab]badge :) zabbadge... :O

2006-08-10 [Zab]: XD They called from the's a bit delayed..>_> Zabbadge? Oo

2006-08-10 [Teufelsweib]: I don't care, I'm getting a zabbadge! even if it was in 2 years, I would be happy! :D and yes, Zabbadge :3 a badge from zab!

2006-08-10 [Zab]: XD Well, here is your stupidity badge, made only for you and never to be copied again.. :3 <img10*0:stuff/slavveisstopeed.gif>

2006-08-10 [Teufelsweib]: :O:OXDXDXD ROFL! it's great :') I shall put it in my badge slot :3 *humps zab and badge*

2006-08-10 [Zab]: Wait! I changed it a bit..(are you allowed to put it there? :O)

2006-08-10 [Zab]: <img:stuff/slavveisstopeed1.gif> there..>_>

2006-08-10 [Teufelsweib]: that one is even better :P // I hope I'm allowed to put it there :P

2006-08-10 [Zab]: I think it is..XD uhm..x) Punk did it at least..XD

2006-08-10 [Teufelsweib]: I'm so stupid, they can't deny me my stupid badge! :P

2006-08-10 [Zab]: XD! Awwww! You just pretend stupid..

2006-08-10 [Teufelsweib]: do I have to prove my stupidness? :O

2006-08-10 [Zab]: You'd fake the proof! XD

2006-08-10 [Linderel]: I wonder what kind of badge I should have... :P

2006-08-10 [Teufelsweib]: :O I eat pickles with my coffee when there aren't any cookies left!!!! // the most Lamiest Lamichu around :P

2006-08-10 [Zab]: XD

2006-08-10 [Linderel]: o.O

2006-08-10 [Zab]: *thinks Lin wants a badge* x)

2006-08-10 [Linderel]: Who, me? <_< >_> Nahh, things like that are nice, but mostly I'm just curious. :P

2006-08-10 [Zab]: 16:31:16 Linderel: I wonder what kind of badge I should have... :P

XD yes:P I don't kow what kind of badge you should have either tho..XD (and the badge factory is closed at the moment :O)

2006-08-10 [Linderel]: Badge factory? :o Whuzzat?

2006-08-10 [Zab]: XD yes.. I have a badge factory, didn't you know? But they're lazy..>_>

2006-08-10 [Linderel]: No, I didn't. :o Or then I forgot, but it amounts to the same thing anyways... :P

2006-08-10 [Zab]: XD fair enough:P

2006-08-10 [Teufelsweib]: with little gnomes working there? :P

2006-08-10 [sequeena_rae]: oompa loompas? :D

2006-08-10 [Zab]: ..nooo..

2006-08-10 [sequeena_rae]: Aww :(

2006-08-10 [Teufelsweib]: elves?

2006-08-10 [sequeena_rae]: Ducks? o.O

2006-08-10 [Teufelsweib]: Sequeena's? :P

2006-08-10 [sequeena_rae]: :O Nuuu! I'm not a slave! XD

2006-08-10 [Teufelsweib]: Zab's factory runs on sequeena's... I like the sentence :P

2006-08-10 [Zab]: Squee, don't deny your place now..

2006-08-10 [sequeena_rae]: Gah! Zab's my slave xD
That may have sounded very wrong O_O

2006-08-10 [Teufelsweib]: not wrong... kinky!

2006-08-10 [sequeena_rae]: xD Kinky then xP

2006-08-10 [Zab]: XD No I'm not!

2006-08-10 [sequeena_rae]: Bloody well are :P

2006-08-10 [Zab]: XD

2006-08-10 [sequeena_rae]: Wiki's never lie xD

2006-08-10 [Zab]: Yes, if you write the, >)

2006-08-10 [sequeena_rae]: Pfft.

2006-08-10 [Zab]: XD

2006-08-11 [Teufelsweib]: is there a wiki for that? :O zab is kinky? :O

2006-08-11 [Zab]: Not you too! :O Oh.. I should remove my name from this..

Meh.. that just seems wrong now..Oo

2006-08-11 [Teufelsweib]: *humps [Zab]*

2006-08-11 [Teufelsweib]: if you're on the council, you're here too :P live with it! XD

2006-08-11 [Zab]: I knew you'd misunderstand it now! XD *runs*

2006-08-11 [Teufelsweib]: :O *chases*

2006-08-11 [Zab]: Aaah! XD*hugs

2006-08-11 [Rook]: *pouts* [Zab]? Retired? ;__;

2006-08-11 [Zab]: Yeps :P

2006-08-11 [Rook]: *gasps* :O well then....

2006-08-11 [Zab]: Yepsyeps..:P so you can't hump me! Mwahahaha!

2006-08-11 [Rook]: *inches closer*

2006-08-11 [Zab]: don't you dare..*stares at with evil killer eye of doom*

2006-08-11 [Rook]: O__O *coughs* >__> <__< >__> *pounces and humps* XD

2006-08-11 [Zab]: aw darn..XD

2006-08-11 [Rook]: *giggles and runs off* MWAUHAHA! I humped the unhumpable!

2006-08-11 [Zab]: Oh noes! XD

2006-08-11 [Teufelsweib]: :O she achieved the unachievable!

2006-08-11 [Zab]: XD

2006-08-12 [Rook]: *small evil giggle of accomplishment*

2006-08-12 [Zab]: But..I'm now retired as the unhumpable, so it doesn't count >)

2006-08-12 [Rook]: :O

2006-08-12 [Zab]: Mwahaha!

2006-08-14 [dragonflye]: Hey, I humped the unhumpable long ago. But I never made the unhumpable retire, so you do have that on me. lol :)

2006-08-14 [Zab]: x)

2006-08-15 [dragonflye]: You guys know what sucks? Being pregnant and not being able to get comfortable enough to sleep. I'm so big now and I still have 2.5 months left before she gets here. So i'm only going to get bigger and more uncomfortable. Grrrrrr. Tired pregnant lady is frustrated.

2006-08-15 [pixish]: I want to be pregnant ;_; Give me your babiesssss

2006-08-15 [dragonflye]: You only think you want to be pregnant. First you have morning sickness for about 4 months, then you are always so tired you can't ever stay awake, then your belly keeps you from sleeping comfortably. Not to mention how often you have to go to the bathroom. There are a few other complaints you guys probably don't want to hear but they are just as bad. plus you can't move well, your allergies get worse, and I've had heartburn so bad it keeps be awake at night and sometimes makes me sick. And I am having what is aparently supposed to be an EASY pregnancy.

2006-08-16 [Nite_Owl]: I don't want to get pregnant for a LOOOOONNNNG time -_-' definitely not looking forward to it, actually. I wish I could just skip to the 3 year old little kid, then I'd be happy, but alas, tisn't so :( Not to mention the fact I'd probably make a terrible mother, more for little girls than boys, just because I'm such a selfish tomboy sometimes....

2006-08-16 [Zab]: *whispers* Adopt a 3 years old! x)
I have no plans on ever getting kids..>_> They're scary (and mothers with newborn kids are also scary!) and I'd be a terrible mom..O_o

2006-08-18 [pixish]: I'm always tired anyway, no matter when or how much I sleep. I never sleep well and haven't for some years ;p I'm on a diet which means I go to the bathroom heaps and heaps as well ^_^ I'm sure it is all worth it, otherwise nobody would have more than one.

2006-08-18 [Teufelsweib]: *humps*

2006-08-19 [Nite_Owl]: (O,o) *humps back* XD well hiya! and how be the you?

2006-08-21 [Rook]: *runs in, humps, streaks, then runs out* XD

2006-08-21 [Zab]: O_o

2006-08-21 [Rook]: HA! *slinks back in*

2006-08-21 [Elegy - gone]: *humps myself* :3

2006-08-21 [Rook]: that even possible? >__> <__< >__>

2006-08-21 [Elegy - gone]: Everything is possible if only you beeelieeeeveeeeee! :D

2006-08-21 [Charybdis]: :O Elegy is a closet contortionist?

2006-08-21 [Zab]: Elegy is goooood!

2006-08-21 [Elegy - gone]: The operative word here is 'closet', Chary, so shush on you >.>

2006-08-21 [Charybdis]: My lips are sealed :I

2006-08-21 [Elegy - gone]: *pets* Good girl ^_^

2006-08-21 [Charybdis]: >:D

2006-08-24 [Teufelsweib]: clo...set...? O.o

2007-05-08 [sequeena_rae]: OMG!

2007-05-09 [Nite_Owl]: OMG, tis a Squee!! *rapes*

2007-05-09 [Teufelsweib]: omfg no raping, HUMPING! =O *humps you both*

2007-05-09 [sequeena_rae]: Omg Owlie dis is de humping page aaaaaye *humps all*

2007-05-09 [Nite_Owl]: but...but...( . , . ) needs--craves it so! *sob*

2007-05-10 [Linderel]: Then go to ze other wiki! ;3

2007-05-10 [sequeena_rae]: Aaaaaye!

2007-05-10 [Nite_Owl]: ......*humps-a-squee and runs off* whoosh!

2007-05-10 [sequeena_rae]: Woah, fast humped o.o;;

2007-05-10 [Nite_Owl]: *rawr in the distance* (^,~)

2009-11-25 [sequeena_rae]: One last hump! *hump hump*

2009-11-25 [Teufelsweib]: *thinks that's hot too*

2009-11-25 [Janouk]: *forgot about this wiki altogether* I can't even remember to have ever started watching this :o
*is nostalgic*

2009-11-25 [Linderel]: *humpetyhump*

2009-11-25 [sequeena_rae]: I am in a very nostaglic mood ...

That and I'm going through all the wikis I'm watching and unwatching the ones that are not used anymore :p

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